Public Meeting May 2010


In the absence of Martin Broadbent, Julian David opened the meeting and welcomed attendees. Marian McNair sent her apologies.

Julian gave a short summary of how the informal committee had started and what it had done so far. He explained that the group now thought that it should be put on a more formal footing with greater public accountability.

Margaret Burrows from the Widcombe and Lyncombe Local History Society gave a short history of the Park and the surrounding area.

Julian David summarised the proposed constitution for the Forum. After a general discussion during which several speakers raised concerns about the current state of the Park, parking and driving behaviour both in the Park and the surrounding roads, smoking around the school and Park entrance and other issues, the meeting agreed that there was a need for a proper forum and the constitution was accepted.

David Belotti then took over the chair and supervised the election for officers. Julian David was the only nomination for Chairperson and was duly elected. Jan Prior volunteered to be secretary and was duly elected.

There followed a discussion about the groups to be represented on the Forum, Lydia Dias volunteered to represent the parents of users of the children’s play area. Bernard Morgan will represent the allotment holders.

After a short discussion on feedback and future public meetings, Julian David closed the meeting with thanks to Sue Boyle for initiating action to address concerns about the Park, to Martin Broadbent for the work he had done in the informal committee and to Stuart Reid and the members of the Bowls Club for hosting the meeting and providing refreshments.

After the meeting, Mark Cassidy, a tree officer from BANES gave a conducted tour of the Park.

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