More success for Alexandra Park

Alexandra Park has just received another award! Following an assessment by judges from the RHS’s Britain-in-Bloom, we have been given a level 5 ‘outstanding’ award in recognition of the work we have done to enhance the planting, assist with maintenance … read more

Another Green Flag award for Alexandra Park

We are thrilled to announce that Alexandra Park has again gained a Green Flag  in 2013! The Green Flag scheme recognizes and rewards the best green spaces in the country. The park also received an award last year when it … read more

Business volunteers work in the Park

Thanks to staff from Bath Spa University, the University of Bath, BaNES and Unite as well as to Ian Gilchrist and two visitors from Italy who all spent a day in Alexandra Park helping to paint the railings along the … read more

Picnic in the Park 20th June 2013

They came in their hundreds, dressed up, played games, climbed trees, queued for drinks, ice creams and burgers, sang and danced to the fantastic music – Alexandra Park rocks to the delight of the local community.  What a day ! … read more

Spring Event Saturday 13th April

Despite the weather, everybody had a enjoyable time at our Spring Event on 13th April. We planted some edible flower seeds in the wild flower areas –           We unveiled the new benches made by Beechen … read more

Re-seeding the wild flower areas

The two wild flower areas that we prepared last year have now been re-seeded with a mixture of perennial and annual wild flowers. The seeds, which were provided by BathNES parks department, were scattered by the Alexandra Park Forum volunteers … read more

Essential tree work in Alexandra Park and on Beechen Cliff

The Council’s tree team, with the assistance of Greenman –   Environmental Tree Services, will be carrying out essential tree works within Beechen Cliff and Alexander Park.These tree works need to be carried out at the earliest opportunity and before the … read more

Beechen Cliff path resurfaced

Following clearance work by the Community Payback team on the path from Holloway to the Park and on the cliff walk within the Park by the Alexandra Park Forum volunteers, the council has arranged for the path to be resurfaced … read more

Best ever community action day

Saturday 5th January was our twelth community action day and the best attended yet with twelve noble souls attending to help keep Alexandra Park special. As always, we did a ‘litter pick’. We also removed more ivy and did further … read more

More bulbs

Thanks to the generosity of Stef van Dam and Peter Nyssen Ltd, over 300 tulip bulbs were planted during December by the volunteers in various places around the park. Together with the daffodil bulbs donated by the council, which we … read more