Alexandra Park now has a community orchard

On 5th December, BathNES in the form of Simon Memory and George Beverley planted six fruit trees in Alexandra Park on the west side of the pedestrian path leading to Beechen Cliff School. They will give added colour in the … read more

Royal Horticultural Society 2012 ‘In Your Neighourhood’ Award

The Alexandra Park Forum again entered the RHS/South West in Bloom ‘In Your Neighbourhood’ challenge for 2012 and has gained a Level 3 Developing Award. Last year we gained a Level 2 ‘Establishing’ award. Now we must think have we … read more


There have been reports of ticks in Alexandra Park. To find out more information about ticks, what to do in the event of being bitten and the risks of Lyme desease and what preventative measures you can take, click on … read more


People have reported that they have suffered a tick bite in Alexandra Park. There are also reports of ticks in many of the green spaces around Bath. 5-10% of local ticks are reported to carry bacteria which can cause the … read more

Alexandra Park wins Green Flag award

  Alexandra Park has been awarded a Green Flag – the national award which recognises and rewards the best public and community parks and green spaces in the country.   This is a significant achievement. It is particularly pleasing as … read more

Picnic in the Park – What a wonderful day

Didn’t the Picnic-in-the-Park go well? Wasn’t weather in the afternoon was amazing! We hope you all had a wondeful day! Here are a few reminders – more photos will be added at the Picnic-in-the-Park tab soon!  

Annual Public Meeting 14 June 2012

The minutes of the annual public meeting held on 14 June 2012 are now on the ‘Forum’ tab.

Generous donation from the Widcombe Association

Our grateful thanks to the Widcombe Association (see link on left) for the very generous donation of £250 towards the costs of putting on the Alexandra Park Forum’s Picnic-in-the-Park on  1 July. It came too late to be acknowledged in … read more

Alexandra Park Forum now on Twitter

Thanks to Jayne Fishwick, we are now on Twitter! Follow us at @AlexandraPark3

Wild flower areas now seeded

On Sunday 22 April the two wild flower areas in the Park that we have been preparing were successfully seeded under the direction of Joe McSorley of the Avon Wild Life Trust and Barry Cruse of Bath-in-Bloom. The seeds were … read more