New tree planting.

Five new fruit trees are to be planted near the path from Beechen Cliff School in the south west corner of the park. We are thankful to local Councillor Mark Shelford, who is financing these from his budget allocation. We … read more

No parking on November 4th

The park will be closed to traffic on Saturday November 4th. There will be limited parking for blue badge holders who wish to watch the firework display from Beechen Cliff. 

Did you visit the RSPB stand at the Picnic?

Someone who visited the RSPB stand at the Picnic in the Park inadvertently picked up an important list of the birds who visit Alexandra Park, which our local bird expert John Yates had compiled. Unfortunately, this wasn’t meant as a give-away, … read more

Another fantastic Picnic in the Park!

The sun shone, the music was better than ever and the crowds came to enjoy the fun.

Picnic in the Park 2017

Click to find out more….

Annual Public Meeting

Forget about the General Election for a couple of hours and come to our Annual Public Meeting on 8th June at 7pm in the Bowls Club. Meet the Friends, who do such sterling work throughout the year, hear what we’ve … read more

Get ready for summer in the park.

Preparations are underway for our annual Picnic in the Park, taking place this year on 2nd July from 12-6pm. We have a great line up of bands and other entertainment, face-painting and fancy dress for kids, as well as a … read more

Wild flower beds seeded.

The average age of Alexandra Park volunteers dropped dramatically at our last Volunteer Action Day on April 1st.  Thank you to all the youngsters who came to help scatter the wild flower seeds on the beds we had prepared, and to everyone … read more

Spring brings colour to the park

The bulbs planted last year have brought a riot of springtime colour, adding to the established daffodils and snowdrops, and despite the best efforts of the squirrels, who, as can be seen in the foreground, have been busy digging them … read more

New fence damage

As fast as one section of the railings is replaced, another section gets damaged. Careless drivers? We think so.