Wild Flower Seeding Day 2015

Our regular volunteers welcomed some younger members on April 11th, when we planted the wild flower seeds for this year. The sun smiled on us, and we all enjoyed drinks and delicious home-made cakes after our efforts.

Park pillar demolished again

In November, for the fourth time in three years, the left hand gate pillar into the park was knocked down, this time by a coach. We are talking to the council, the Bear Flat Association and the school about what … read more

New Equipment

Thanks to local councillors, David Bellotti and Katie Hall, the park now has an all-weather table tennis table, a recycling bin at the main viewing area and several additional rubbish bins. Thanks! The council will be removing the dog waste … read more

Change of name

In 2014 we changed our name to ‘Alexandra Park Friends’ to reflect more exactly what we are and what we do. The old name reflected the origin of the group which was a ‘forum’ of ‘stakeholders’, where problems relating to … read more

Sprites in the Park

Thanks to the creative efforts of the children at our 2014 ‘Spring Event’, several trees near the main entrance sprouted ‘tree sprites’! Here are a few – Our thanks to Jayne for organising the materials and to Denise Hart for … read more

Park pillar demolished again

In November, for the fourth time in three years, the left hand gate pillar into the park was knocked down, this time by a coach. We are talking to the council, the Bear Flat Association and the school about what needs … read more

2014 News

Temporary parking restrictions Alexandra Park will be closed to vehicles on 30th November and 1st December to allow council workers unrestricted access to clear the leaves. Autumn colours Don’t miss the wonderful autumn colours! Bird Life Of the 14 bird … read more

Bath Spa students refurbish benches

  Students Jenna and Tanya and volunteer organizer Susan from Bath Spa University have refurbished the two older benches by the main viewing area. Great work, girls! Materials were provided by BathNES; the Alexandra Park Forum arranged and oversaw the … read more

Cliff railings repainted

Thanks business volunteers, Community Payback teams and the Alexandra Park Forum all the railings along the top of Beechen Cliff within the park have been repainted. The path looks very smart! Paint and tools were provided by BANES. The Alexandra … read more

Web site host changed

Soon after the Alexandra Park Forum was formed, we decided that we must have a web site. We had no idea how to go about this. A local resident, Richard Longhurst, came to our rescue, bought us our domain name … read more